My name is Kevin
I have been suffering from depression since I was 18 and my Dad died, he was
only 59 it was too young. I didn’t make it through the course I was in, film and
television, at TAFE, and ever since then I’ve been finding it hard to complete
anything I do. The depression just weighs me down and I feel like I haven’t got
the energy, sometimes I can’t get out of bed. I keep unusual hours, sometimes I
am up all night, just surfing the internet, then sleep all day.
I am 28, so this is how I’ve been living for ten years. I feel really
disappointed with myself, and that I am a failure. I think other people must see
me that way too. I am still at home, what a failure hey, at my age, my mum is
disappointed in me too.
I’ll probably fail at this research too because I haven’t really had that bad
an experience of employment services but I do feel stigmatised by them and
Centrelink because I am a failure. I’ve been with three ES agencies, and they’ve
all treated me all right. I used to be on Youth Allowance, then Austudy, the
paper work was horrendous, I’ve never been able to complete it all ok, and once
I had to pay back some money for their mistakes. I find the paperwork a
nightmare, checking all the details I am not the kind of person who deals with
that very well.
I’m trying to get on DSP, and have been sent to a DES, I have to go through
the motions of looking for a job for 12 months before I can get DSP, some of
those changes the government made. I can’t afford not to live at home with my
mum, especially on Newstart, she must think I am a failure.
But the ES agencies treat me OK, they tell me not to be too hard on myself
because of my depression, not to call myself a failure. I had to go through a
work capacity assessment, because of my depression, so I could get put through
to the right sort of agency, it’s taken months and months but finally I’m there
and I’m with an agency who is arranging some counselling for the depression.
But I feel so bad about myself not being able to get out of bed some days, they
tell me to stop being so hard on myself.
They haven’t really tried to get me a job, they have offered my ones I don’t
want to do, but they don’t push it on me. I’ve asked them about training, and
they’ve said they are checking on if they have any funding for it, it takes
months and months, I just get fed up waiting , and sort things out for myself,
like I’m now back doing a BA this semester, although I have kept crashing out, I
hope I can keep it up this term. Everything I do I don’t seem to be able to
finish because of my depression.
I still want to work in an industry like film or television but I cant see
that happening now so like my childhood dream cant be fulfilled and that’s
upsetting, like my life has been derailed. I feel like it’s too late now,
there’s all those other bright smart young people, I see their CVs on linkedin
and think wow, how did you get all that on your CV, but it’s not me. Like I said
I spend a lot of time online, too much, it’s quite narcissistic. It’s like that
film Fight Club, you know, that cult of narcissism, young people spending all
this time online checking each other out, I guess I am part of that.
I feel like it’s fair the government require people to work, everyone has to
pull their weight hey. This is why I feel like a failure in the eyes of tax
payers that I can’t do that. It’s not so much a feeling I get from individuals
who help me but an impression I have that this is a general view, an expectation
of that’s what you do when you grow up, get a good job and all the rest of it,
and that I’m letting society down by not doing that.
I know some people from the housing commission where I do pizza deliveries,
some of their houses you just open the door and the smoke and smell that comes
out is unbelievable. You know they’re the types who just avoid going to
Centrelink, do everything online, doing drugs and that and trying to get away
with it. There is one lady I know who has some issues with alcohol and that, who
lost her baby, I saw her afterwards and said how sorry I was, you know, she was
like “shit happens”, and I gave her a bit hug and everything I couldn’t believe
she could take it so lightly, they’re just in another place people like that.
But they need help, you know, they’re not ready to work, until they get help
with their drug and alcohol problems.
I had some of those too, you know when I was younger, went a bit out of
control there for a while, I feel like such a failure because of it, 10 years,
and I haven’t fulfilled any of my potential, I feel so bad about myself. Like I
crashed out of my film and television course, which I really wanted to do, get
some work in that industry because I’m quite creative, but now I’ve wasted my
youth and when I would have the energy. I was really good at school a great
student, until year 12, well that’s when it all went wrong.
Centrelink just treat you like a number, you know if you’re welfare
dependent, then you’re just a number. When you’re in the queue there you just
feel the stigma. There’s no personalised service, they don’t care about your
story, why you’ve ended up being there, it’s just next please. I guess if they
had people who were really interested in doing their job there, the service
would just be completely different, it wouldn’t be real, like if they really
took an interest in each case it would be too hard for them to do their job.
Yeah its right they have to make threats to get people to do what they want,
everyone should have to give something back.
Yeah I just sort the ad for this research on youtube, just some random
surfing. I used to volunteer for research when I was at uni, I liked being
involved in something different, learning about something that wasn’t part of my
usual life.
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